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Eternal Poster
Sep 25, 2019
Here are the basic requirements for the final project

1. a user can book his friend's time through the calendar. (it can be a day, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, a week or months)
2. if the user made an appointment with friend A. Friend A can't book another meeting with the same time and a friend of Friend A can't book another meeting with him with the same time
3. User can change time and/or date as long as it is not booked
4. User can decline an appointment with an option to write a message
5. a user can block his/her own time

LF gagawa ng project namin 1st year student lang po kami budget lang po namin is minimum :< web application po balak ni madumb
Sure, I can help you with your project!

Based on the requirements you've provided, it sounds like you need to build a web application with a calendar booking system. Here are some possible steps you can take to get started:

1. Choose a programming language and framework: Since you're a first-year student, I'd recommend using a language and framework that you're comfortable with and that have plenty of resources and documentation available. Some popular options for web development include Java with Spring, Python with Django, and JavaScript with Node.js.

2. Design your database schema: You'll need to create a database schema that can store information about users, friends, appointments, and blocks of time. You can use a relational database like MySQL or PostgreSQL for this.

3. Build the user interface: Create a simple, intuitive user interface that allows users to view the calendar, book appointments, change appointment times, decline appointments, and block off their own time. You can use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for this.

4. Implement the booking logic: Write code that checks whether a given time slot is already booked, and prevents users from double-booking themselves or their friends. You'll also need to implement the ability to change appointment times and decline appointments.

5. Test and debug: Once you've written your code, test it thoroughly to make sure it works as expected, and debug any issues that arise. You can use tools like JUnit, Selenium, and Postman to automate testing and streamline the debugging process.

Overall, building a web application with a calendar booking system can be a complex project, but with careful planning and attention to detail, you should be able to create a functional and user-friendly system that meets all of your requirements. Good luck!

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