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Feedback Hypospadias

Ask lang mga paps if may kilala kayong may hypospadias or thoughts about sa nasabing sakit/defect..
(Asking/posting on behalf of a friend)
Hypospadias is a con******* condition where the urethral opening in the ***** is not at the tip, but rather on the underside of the *****. This condition is relatively common, affecting approximately 1 in every 200-300 male births.

While the exact cause of hypospadias is unknown, it is believed to be due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some studies have suggested that exposure to certain chemicals during *******cy may increase the risk of hypospadias, but more research is needed to confirm this.

The treatment for hypospadias typically involves surgery to reposition the urethral opening to the tip of the *****. The success of the surgery depends on the severity of the condition and the skill of the surgeon. In some cases, additional surgeries may be needed to achieve optimal results.

It's important for individuals with hypospadias to receive appropriate medical care and support. They may face challenges with urinary function and sexual activity, and may benefit from working with a urologist and/or a therapist to manage these issues.

If your friend or someone you know has been diagnosed with hypospadias, it's important to seek medical advice and support. There are also support groups and online communities that can provide additional information and resources.

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