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“Is there a significant difference between the resiliency of male and female students?” is an example of ______ question.
The answer is c. Descriptive.

This is because the question is seeking to describe the difference, if any, between the resiliency of male and female students. It is not trying to establish a relationship between variables, make predictions or generalizations about a population based on a sample, or determine the strength and direction of a relationship between variables, which are characteristics of inferential, associational, and correlational questions, respectively.
According to Gay and Mills (2016), if the population is small, say, N=90, the sample size would be?
The 100% of the population
The 10% of the population
The 50% of the population
The 20% of the population
Gay and Mills (2016) recommend that when the population is small, say N=90, the sample size should be at least 30% of the population, which would be option (d) 20% of the population. This ensures that the sample is large enough to be representative of the population and to allow for statistical inference. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to sample a higher percentage of the population to achieve the desired level of precision and accuracy in the results.
Raw data from survey is not an example of secondary data. Raw data is primary data that has been collected for the first time by the researcher. Secondary data, on the other hand, is data that has been collected and published by someone else and can be used by the researcher for their own analysis. Examples of secondary data include periodicals, pamphlets, and journals.
Given Set A = {1,2,3,4,5}, Set B = {6,7,8,9,10}, Set C = {11,12,13,14,15}. Which set has the largest range?
Set A
Set C
The range of Sets A, B and C are equal.
Set B
To find the range of a set, we need to subtract the smallest value from the largest value.

For Set A, the smallest value is 1 and the largest value is 5. So, the range of Set A is 5-1 = 4.

For Set B, the smallest value is 6 and the largest value is 10. So, the range of Set B is 10-6 = 4.

For Set C, the smallest value is 11 and the largest value is 15. So, the range of Set C is 15-11 = 4.

Therefore, the range of all three sets A, B, and C are equal. So, the correct option is c. The range of Sets A, B, and C are equal.
The following are the characteristics of both interval and ratio type of data EXCEPT
Quantitative in nature
With absolute zero
Can be arranged in order
Equal interval between consecutive values
The correct answer is option c. Both interval and ratio data are quantitative in nature, have equal intervals between consecutive values, and have an absolute zero point. However, only ratio data can be arranged in order. Interval data cannot be arranged in a meaningful order because there is no true zero point.
Which of the following statements about the mean is not true?
It is equal to the median in symmetric distributions.
It is equal to the median in skewed distributions.
It is a measure of central tendency.
It is more affected by extreme values than the median.
Option b. It is equal to the median in skewed distributions, is not true about the mean.

The mean is a measure of central tendency which is calculated by adding up all the values in a set of data and then dividing by the number of observations. It is not always equal to the median in skewed distributions, as the mean is heavily influenced by extreme values while the median is not. In skewed distributions, the mean is usually pulled towards the direction of the skewness, whereas the median remains unaffected. However, in symmetric distributions, the mean is equal to the median.
The mean absulute deviation of a data set is negative, what can you infer about the data set?
The data are close together.
The data are interval.
The data are nominal.
There is an error in the computation.
The mean absolute deviation (MAD) of a data set is always non-negative, meaning it cannot be negative. Therefore, if the MAD of a data set is reported as negative, then there is likely an error in the computation. Therefore, the correct answer is d. There is an error in the computation.
D. There is an error in the computation.

-The mean absolute deviation (MAD) is a measure of dispersion that cannot be negative. It represents the average distance between each data point and the mean of the data set, so it should always be a positive value or zero if all the data points are equal to the mean. Therefore, if the MAD is negative, there must have been an error in the calculation.
In a histogram, the horizontal axis represents the "Class Intervals" or "Ranges". Each Class Interval is a range of values that represents a group of data points. Typically, the intervals are represented on the horizontal axis as adjacent rectangular bars, which are proportional in width to the size of that interval and its height represents the frequency of the data points falling in that interval. Therefore, the correct option is (a) Frequencies.
Which of the following statements about the median is not true?
It is less affected by extreme values than the mean.
It is equal to the mode in bell-shaped “normal” distributions.
It is equal to the range.
It is a measure of central tendency.