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Closed Is Mary the Mother of God?

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Forum Expert
Sep 19, 2016
The Bible’s answer

No, the Bible does not teach that Mary is the mother of God, nor does it suggest that Christians should either worship or venerate Mary. * Consider:

Mary never claimed that she was the mother of God. The Bible explains that she gave birth to “the Son of God,” not God himself.—Mark 1:1; Luke 1:32.

Jesus Christ never said that Mary was God’s mother or that she was worthy of special devotion. In fact, he corrected a woman who gave special attention to Mary’s happy role as his mother, saying: “No, rather, happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it!”—Luke 11:27, 28.

The terms “Mother of God” and “Theotokos” (God-bearer) are not found in the Bible.

The expression “Queen of Heaven” in the Bible refers, not to Mary, but to a false goddess worshipped by apostate Israelites. (Jeremiah 44:15-19) The “Queen of Heaven” may have been Ishtar (Astarte), a Babylonian goddess.

Early Christians did not worship Mary, nor did they give her any special honor. One historian states that early Christians “would have rejected cults and probably feared that undue attention to Mary might evoke a suspicion of goddess worship.”—In Quest of the Jewish Mary.

The Bible says that God has always existed. (Psalm 90:1, 2; Isaiah 40:28) Since he had no beginning, he cannot have a mother. Furthermore, Mary could not have held God in her womb; the Bible makes clear that even the heavens cannot contain him.—1 Kings 8:27.

Mary—Mother of Jesus not “Mother of God”

Mary was Jewish by birth, and she was a direct descendant of King David. (Luke 3:23-31) She was highly favored by God for her faith and devotion. (Luke 1:28) God chose her to become the mother of Jesus. (Luke 1:31, 35) Along with her husband, Joseph, Mary had other children.—Mark 6:3.

Although the Bible shows that Mary became a disciple of Jesus, not much additional information is given about her.—Acts 1:14.

Why do some consider Mary the mother of God?

The earliest evidence of devotion to Mary dates from the late fourth century C.E. At that time, the Catholic Church became the State religion of the Roman Empire. As a result, many who had a pagan background became nominal Christians. The church had also adopted the unscriptural teaching of the Trinity.

The doctrine of the Trinity led many in the church to conclude that if Jesus were God, then Mary must be the mother of God. In 431 C.E., a church council in Ephesus officially proclaimed Mary the “Mother of God.” Mariolatry—the excessive veneration of Mary—flourished after this Council of Ephesus. And as those from a pagan background joined the church, images and icons of the ****** Mary gradually took the place of their fertility goddesses, such as Artemis (Diana, to the Romans) and Isis.

In 432 C.E., Pope Sixtus III ordered a church to be built in Rome in honor of the “Mother of God.” It was built near the site of an earlier temple erected in honor of Lucina, the Roman goddess of childbirth. One author described this church as “an enduring symbol of the assimilation of the Great Mother of the pagan cults to the cult of Mary after the Christianization of Rome.”—Mary—The Complete Resource.
she's a rape victim, inangkin nlng ni joseph para hindi siya bibitayin kasi noon bitay ang babae ma buntis na walang tatayong asawa.
there is a God the Mother as it is written Gal 4:26 but the Jerusalem that is above is free and she is our mother .. God the mother is not the mother of God but the Wife of Christ our spiritual Mother
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