Closed Dinner Guest

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Army of the Galaxy 👨‍💼👽👌
Feb 14, 2017
Dinner Guest


By: Dray Valiente (Raizen)

(Note: This is just a story, I've written it few years ago, just posting now. Hope you enjoy and sorry for a lengthy one.😄)

November had always been a dreadful time for your village. Midway through the month, the Elders would send one person to appease the monster who lived deep within the woods. They had originally sent criminals, but their numbers had dwindled over the years, leading to simple undesirables being booted out to their doom. This year it was you. They knew nobody would mourn you.

Dressed in a cloak to shield you from the autumn cold, you tentatively walked down the narrow path through the trees. It wasn’t as if you had a choice. You couldn’t return to the village, and heading off the trail would leave you vulnerable to the wolves. Biting back your fears, you approached the iron gate in the distance.

The gate gave a chilling creak as you pushed it open. Beyond it stood a gothic manor, the very sight of it sending chills down your spine. Closing the gate behind you, walked down a cobblestone path and up to the dark oak doors. They were slightly ajar, so you simply pushed through them. They gave a rusty shriek that seemed to echo throughout the house. There was little doubt that bloodsucker knew you were there now.

You sighed and rubbed your arms. It was warmer than outside, but a sense of dread lingered in the air. There were a few candles lighting up the foyer, but they just barely cut through the darkness. Suddenly the sound of footsteps broke the tense silence, followed by a young man’s chuckle. You whimpered and looked up at the top of the staircase.

A vampire dressed in a fine coat stood there, looming over you with a predatory glint in his eye. As he descended, you could see that he was fairly handsome, with short, dark brown hair and grey eyes. He stopped a few feet away and grinned. You couldn’t help but notice a sharpened tooth poking out from his lips.

“My, my! It’s been some time since I’ve had a visitor!” he said.

“Would you happen to be another sacrifice from that town, or are you simply a lost traveler?” His voice was oddly soothing, comparable to a wolf with a honeyed tongue.

Perhaps this was how he buttered up his victims before feeding from them. Now you were on the menu, and had no choice but to answer him.

“I’m a sacrifice. I…they didn’t want me around anymore.” I said, voice barely above a whisper.

The vampire chuckled and stepped closer, flashing a fanged smile. Already you could imagine those fangs digging into your flesh, sucking away every drop of precious lifeblood.

“Ah, right on time. You see, I was getting very, very hungry. And I must say, your blood smells quite.appetizing.” He said. This beast was eager to devour you, but took his sweet time, prolonging your suffering. Who’s to say he wouldn’t feed as slowly as possible? The thought caused tears to begin flowing down your cheeks, choked sobs crawling up from your throat. Despite your blurry vision, you could see his expression soften.

“Shh, dear, it’s alright. There’s no need to cry.” He crooned. Like hell there isn’t, you thought. Your muscles locked up as he approached, but instead of taking a bite out of your neck, he reached up and gently wiped the tears from your eyes.

“There, there. Everything will be just fine. How about we get you some dinner?” he asked.

You knew he was just trying to make your blood sweeter before he feasted. You wondered how many had met this fate, taunted and given a last meal before having their essence gobbled up. The vampire lead you down the hall to the dining room. Resting on the table was a fresh plate of chicken and mashed potatoes with a small goblet. You shuddered at the thought of how far ahead of time he’d prepared for your arrival.

“You’re practically skin and bones, dear. Go on, eat as much as you’d like.” He said. As much as you wanted to deny him a better taste of your blood, the scent was making your stomach rumble. You sat down and dug in, taking large, hungry bites. A part of you wanted to slow down to add a precious few more minutes to your life, but you couldn’t help yourself. The vampire sat down adjacent to you, putting only a table corner between you and the beast.

“You never did tell me your name.” he said. You paused to give him a wide-eyed glance, which was met with a chuckle.

“Very well, then. I am Raleigh. Tell me, is there anything you’d like to know before I feed?” he asked. While you weren’t keen on making small talk with a hungry vampire, there was one question itching at the back of your mind.

“Yes, actually,” I said, taking a sip of grape juice. “The sacrifices, what happens when you’re done with them?” Raleigh raised his eyebrows and snickered.

“You’re the first to ask! I remember when that village sent me the worst of their population. The murderers, rapists, child-snatchers. I drank up every last drop of blood they had, then fed the rest to the gargoyles.” He said.

A smirk spread across his face, almost as if he relished the memory of those meals. When you shrunk back, he softened his grin and sat up straight.

“But then the offerings changed. Thieves who had to s†éál bread or starve, children whose parents couldn’t feed them or didn’t want them, simple outcasts from society. I only took a few sips, then took them to the main road the next evening. There’s another town to the east were they hopefully found better lives.” He continued.

You could hardly believe it. All of the innocents who had been sent as meals were still alive and well. He could be lying, I thought. Yet there was no malice or trickery in his eyes or smile. Just a bit of hunger.

“Are you full already? Because that means it’s my turn.” Raleigh said. He stood up and helped you out of your seat, licking his lips as he eyed you up. Your heartbeat accelerated, no doubt sounding like music to his ears. He chuckled and pulled you into a gentle hug. Even with his coat, he was terribly cold.

“Is this going to hurt?” you asked. Raleigh chuckled and patted the top of your head.

“I’m afraid it’s going to pinch a little, but that’s all. A few of my recent offerings have said that it tickles.” He replied. Raleigh pushed aside your hood just enough to expose your neck and leaned in closer. You shivered as his warm breath puffed against your skin, but all you could do was pray he was telling the truth about the previous sacrifices.

Raleigh’s fangs lightly brushed against your sensitive flesh before sinking in. You let out a sharp gasp, clutching the fabric of his coat as tears welled up in your eyes. Yet the initial pain quickly faded, giving way to a ticklish sensation as he leisurely drank your blood. You gave a deep exhale, your grip weakening slightly. Just as wooziness set in, Raleigh pulled away.

“Just as I thought. You are delicious, my dear.” Raleigh said, licking the blood from his teeth.

Your vision cleared enough for you to see him lean in again. His wet tongue laved against your bite wound, catching the leaking blood and creating an odd numbness on the punctures. Raleigh sat you back down and held the goblet to your lips. You took large, greedy gulps, as if it would replenish the blood you lost.

“There we are..That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked. “It’s getting quite late, you know. Would you like me to take you to your room?” You rose an eyebrow, which was met with a warm smile.

“You’re going to need your rest for next evening. I’ll be showing you the way to town, remember?” You frowned at the thought. You would be free, but your life would more than likely be the same. Alone, dead to everyone you’ve ever known.

“I don’t know. All of this is just so sudden,” you said. “I thought I was going to die, that I at least wouldn’t have to worry about being alone. I’d like a bit more time to think.” Raleigh nodded and took your hand as you stood.

“I suppose I could let you stay, just for a little while,” he said. “It’d be nice to have some company besides the gargoyles, especially since it’s been so long since father visited…” You froze at the thought of an old vampire coming through.

Raleigh noticed and shook his head. “Don’t worry, my father doesn’t like killing his prey either. Claims it’s senseless and brings vampire hunters to the door.”

Drowsiness set in as Raleigh guided you down the hall, though you couldn’t tell if it was from blood loss or your adrenaline wearing down. He took you into a rather cozy room, where you sat down on the bed and took off your cloak. Pulling off your boots, you slid underneath the covers and snuggled in. You were vaguely aware of the vampire leaning over you.

“Sweet dreams, dear. I’ll see you in the evening.” He said. You felt cold lips gently press against your cheek before Raleigh left, quietly closing the door behind him. You let a small smile form on your face as you closed your eyes and drifted off. Perhaps this really wasn’t as bad as you feared.


(If you gonna asked what happened to those two, I don't know. What I can just spill out is that sometimes somebody will knock in your life, some are dark outside but clean inside, some are clean outside but dark outside. It is your choice, when and who will you opened up.)

Thank you for reading.. 😊

Source of DeepWeb PH..


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