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Closed The Distant and Distracted

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Eternal Poster
Feb 16, 2016

It only starts to hurt when you leave
And the aching continues with each step as you go further away
Tell me what’s the point of trying now
All i ever wanted is for you to be brave and hopeful
Be brave enough to ask
Be hopeful enough to know
This heart, this heart will always, always love you
All you have to do is ASK
That’s all i want, A BRAVE LOVE.


*gif via tumblr



I love the way you use "further" instead of "farther",
“farther” could have been more accurate, but you used “further”
which means more than just the distance between points in space,
including its attendant emotions, It’s like an emoji but in a word form.

I dunno if you’re just being translucent…
but you sent me into a lyrical limbo,
“A BRAVE LOVE” is both
an ethereal prayer and an agonizing command,
pushing "bravery" instead of "courage", a means without an end,
to act without fear, to do without a thought, just rebel without a cause...

Short and sweet.

Here I would like to say "bravely"
but you're more than that, so I opt to say,
'Courageously' done,
and loved it.

Thank you.
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I love the way you use "further" instead of "farther",
“farther” could have been more accurate, but you used “further”
which means more than just the distance between points in space,
including its attendant emotions, It’s like an emoji but in a word form.

I dunno if you’re just being translucent…
but you sent me into a lyrical limbo,
“A BRAVE LOVE” is both
an ethereal prayer and an agonizing command,
pushing "bravery" instead of "courage", a means without an end,
to act without fear, to do without a thought, just rebel without a cause...

Short and sweet.

Here I would like to say "bravely"
but you're more than that, so I opt to say,
'Courageously' done,
and loved it.

Thank you.

Greetings and salutations to you JaQ2169
My jaw is literally locked right now. I always find it admirable when someone wear their scars openly, un-afraid and unashamedly offer their stories. The obstacles that they have overcome or the process of overcoming, are beautiful to me.
You are the kindest! Thank you. 🌈
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You are the kindest! Thank you. 🌈
If I could just put a smile on one person at a time, then my life is not, after all, meaningless.
and having said that...,
Here's a Toast to whatever keeps you happy, motivated and striving for something greater.
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If I could just put a smile on one person at a time, then my life is not, after all, meaningless.
and having said that...,
Here's a Toast to whatever keeps you happy, motivated and striving for something greater.

For laying ourselves bare for the world to see, sharing our pain, our joy, our heart break in the hopes that it might touch someone else.

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