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Closed 16 facts about cheating women

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Eternal Poster
Feb 1, 2017
You might be reading this title and thinking to yourself, men cheat way more than women, and while it's true that there are plenty of things to know about men who cheat, that is a totally different po

You might be reading this title and thinking to yourself, men cheat way more than women, and while it's true that there are plenty of things to know about men who cheat, that is a totally different post. Though many would agree that men cheat more frequently than women, the truth is, both genders do cheat on their respective partners for a variety of different reasons. However, as you compare the two, you will find that there are some similar characteristics to both male and female cheaters. This particular post will focus on some of the reasons or facts about those women who cheat on their significant others.

You probably start dating in your late teens and tell yourself that you would never-ever-EVER in a million years cheat on someone. Maybe you’ve even been cheated on yourself and firmly stand your ground that you would never be so weak as to do that to someone else. Many things can happen that make women more likely to stray from their partners. Relationships change over time, issues get swept under the rug instead of addressed, and sometimes people fall out of love and can’t bear to hurt their partner, even if that means being chronically unhappy and being put in a position that may enable them to cheat with less guilt. Beliefs about appropriate behavior are subjective to those involved in the relationship.

Here are 16 facts about some of those women who commit adultery, some of which you may already know, and some that may truly surprise you.

16Women Cheat for Emotional Reasons

This should come as no surprise as the stereotype is that men cheat to get instant intimate gratification, while women cheat for reasons other than just getting it on. These women, who cheat for emotional reasons, may have a lack of intimacy at home. That’s not to say that they aren’t being intimate with their partner, but the intimacy they are having is creating a hole that should be filled with intimacy and real human connection, which is not happening with their significant other. Studies show that while men want to fill such a void, women are trying to fill more of an emotional void, even when it comes to nookie. If a lady doesn’t feel like she is loved for or cared about, it just makes her that much more open to looking elsewhere to establish this connection that she is not getting in her primary relationship. This cheating could be as simple as her needing someone to hold her, or hold her hand, or cuddle with her, or just rub her feet and listen to her talk about her day; it could also be prompted because she is in a sexless relationship that she feels she can fix in this way because she loves so many more things about her partner and does not feel like a lack of intimacy is enough of a reason to leave.

15 She Can’t Get No Satisfaction
Another stereotype is that women always want more, but it’s not entirely wrong. Women are often not satisfied with what they have in front of them and are more likely to strive to achieve this notion of more. They suffer from what can be referred to as BBD Syndrome -- not to be confused with body dysmorphic disorder, but rather in this case, bigger better deal syndrome. They might have a great boyfriend and great intimacy but their partner has a hard time communicating his feelings so they’d rather “trade” in the two things that they have in the hopes of securing all three things in their next conquest. Some of these women also have unrealistic expectations. These particular women are triggered by their ego and will turn elsewhere if their every need and want is not met by their current partner, which really is an unfair standard to set. If he has a job and you two have children, he cannot physically meet every need that you have on top of his own, his children’s and his careers. This is arguably one of the reasons that vibrators were created.

14 It Could Be in Her Genes
Nobody likes to admit that some of their natural human faults can be blamed on simple genetics, but in some cases, they can be. Yes, you can also blame your heavy bottom half partially on the genetics of your mother, who also had the same thunder-thighs. Historically, according to WebMD, “women paired with a primary mate to have children. But as women went out to gather food, they slept with other men, creating an insurance policy to have someone who would help rear children and provide resources should their mate die… Women who slept around collected more meat, protection, and resources from their lovers… She might even have an extra child to create more genetic variety in her lineage; if some children die, others will live on." From as far back as when men were hunters and their alpha male gene was triggered to put their seed in as many women as possible to ensure successful, healthy, numerous offspring, women were also out there, securing their families’ survival.

13 Women Cheat Due to a Failure to Communicate
Communication is one of the fundamentals of a healthy, successful relationship. Couples who have been married for decades will tell you that communication is one of the reasons they were able to stay together all those years. But what happens when communication fades? Well, with women, this can result in them seeking this communication elsewhere. In a research study that surveyed adults both in faithful and unfaithful relationships, Psychotherapist M. Gary Neuman found that those who were faithful talked to their partner 30-60 minutes per day, whereas cheaters talked to their partner less than 5 minutes per day. What that means is that much of the time a woman is cheating on her partner could be fixed if he just sat down and had a short conversation with her on a daily basis. This entire study begs the question: if a 90-something year old couple can stay together and communicate effectively, why can’t this generation of 20-somethings?

12 She Probably Has Low Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem can result in numerous problems, from eating disorders and depression to, you guessed it, a likelihood to cheat on your partner. Many women get into relationships to start families, but it goes much farther than that. A woman wants to be with someone who makes her feel special and beautiful and important. She wants to be with someone who is supportive, and loving and caring and makes her laugh. She wants to be with someone who brings out the best part of her. And if she does not get that from her primary partner, the likelihood of her cheating on him increases as she tries her best to meet those psychological needs from someone else. Self-worth can be greatly increased by having an affair because it pushes the mentality that this other person greatly cares about you and wants to be with you. The moral of this story to men everywhere is this: if you build up a woman, she can move mountains, and she will move them for you and to be with you.

11 Cheating Women Just Need More Passion
After a period of time of being in the same monogamous relationship, many men and women alike have the same complaint: the passion is gone (or it has at least decreased greatly). This is one of the hardest ***** of all to swallow because not having a lot of passion does not equate to a loveless marriage. On the contrary, many women who seek passion outside of their relationship love their partners dearly and are trying to solve a problem for themselves, rather than just pack their things and go. Research that studied 100 married, heterosexual women on the popular Ashley Madison website stated: “About two-thirds of the women said they were seeking more romantic passion,” which meant *** for many but not for all. There are many things you can try on your own if you feel the passion slipping away from your own relationship: role play games, discussing and then letting one partner control the experience fully (their fantasies are priority), travelling somewhere romantic together, showering together, giving each other massages, the list goes on.

10 They Are Only Cheating With One Partner
The male argument for cheating that comes from Darwinism is to "put your seed everywhere you can to increase your offspring’s survival." That also explains why many men have multiple affairs with different women. And though history does tell us that women can be inherently polygamous for offspring’s sake as well, the opposite is usually true of women. They tend to be more monogamous, even in their affairs. According to Live Science, “Most of the women wanted just one affair partner and sought at least some emotional connection.” If you’ve ever been in a serious relationship you know that developing an emotional connection can be tricky, and it never happens overnight. Sorry all you love at first sight believers. Women would rather have an affair where they get to really know someone emotionally, mentally and sexually rather than try to go on a bang-bus-dating rampage with everyone they meet in a day. This fact about cheating women again proves that women are in it for way more than just the intimacy.

9 She’s Cheating Because She’s Left Unsatisfied

Men and women both want to have intimacy. But for anyone who’s ever experienced real life nookie, you’ll know that it’s very different for a man vs. a woman. Men need something sort of form fitting, that is warm and wet and away they go. Women have all sorts of buttons and can go from 0-60 in 3.5 or go from "Oh my gooooossshhh" to "nope, you moved" really quickly. “Women need to feel desired and experience REAL climaxes during intimacy,” notes Psychology Today. If a woman is faking it more often than she is climaxing, she’s probably going to look elsewhere. Another study done by psychotherapist M. Gary Neuman said that for women, it’s about sexual infrequency. He stated that non-cheaters were intimate approximately 10 times per month, while cheaters were only intimate approximately 5 times per month. Sometimes, it’s not about quality and it really is about quantity.

8 Women Are More Likely to Go Online to Find a Lover Than Men
Women are much more social creatures than their male comrades. Just look at the amount of women you see on a daily basis glued to their cell phones. The notion that females are more active on social media makes them more likely to find a lover or someone to engage in an online setting. Psychology Today states,“For the most part, women are seeking online what they seek in life - meaningful emotional connection… And women typically post not just more often, but more openly.” The reverse is true of men, who are more likely to have an affair with someone with whom they have a pre-existing relationship. What you can learn from this, as females are the master communicators, is that a woman will be open about what she is looking for online and will be more receptive to messages from potential mates who she feels has wants in line with her own. The thing many forget is that cheating doesn’t have to be physical. Many people are having affairs on their partners by engaging in online relationships with people they never meet, and sometimes those can be just as hurtful as a sexual encounter.

7 Women Get Emotional When Cheating
Remember all that stuff about women cheating for emotional reasons? Well that continues onward here. Some guys will cheat regardless of how they feel about their affair partner, as long as they can get satisfied or have a little bit of cuddling after the fact; women are a whole different ball game. They are far more likely to have an affair when they have solid emotional feelings for the person with whom they are involved. In fact, “Among women who stated that they were actively cheating, 57 percent reported feeling love for their affair partner, while only 27 percent of the men said they felt love for their mistress,” says Psychology Today. Women will not continue to pursue a new affair unless they feel like emotions are developing between the two of them. They need to fill the void, which is rarely purely sexual in nature, rather a combination of physical and emotional needs.

6 Some Women Will Cheat for Revenge
An eye for an eye is probably not a very good mentality to have within a relationship. He forgot to do his chores, so now you refuse to clean up after the big dinner party. What exactly gets accomplished when that happens? The same goes for cheating. However, many women are able to justify it to themselves and say that it’s the only way to fix the feeling of being wronged after being cheated on by their partner. They need a sense of equality – you hurt me, so I’ll hurt you and then I’ll feel better – to help them make sense of it all. These women don’t try to hide it from their partners. They are open with their affairs, whether emotional or purely intimate, to exact their revenge. Furthermore, when a woman has an affair on her own, it’s usually for more complicated reasons, but when revenge is involved, she may just go at it for the sexual gratification because that’s what she feels her partner did to her.

5 Women Cheat to Force Break Ups
Breaking up is hard to do. No truer words were ever said in a cheesy song. Sometimes, it can be hard to end a long-term relationship, especially one with somebody that you still love. Yet, that doesn’t eliminate the issues that were there before, that are still very much there now. How many times have you wanted to end a relationship but you waited it out, to a point where you just couldn’t do anything else but end it? How much time did you waste? Probably at least a few weeks, if not a few months, and hopefully not years. A lot of women feel the only option is to have an affair or “cheat,” in the hopes of getting caught and having their partner be the bad cop that makes the tough decision because they feel that they can’t just up and leave. Besides, putting the work into an affair while you’re still in the other relationship does save you a bit of time if you’re going to jump from the one relationship into the other, when he eventually discovers your infidelity and hopefully leaves.

4 Sometimes, Women Just Get Bored
You could sometimes draw a relationship between women and children, or women and cats when in relationships. You buy the new baby all sorts of toys and they play with them for about a week and then they want someone else’s toy, or they just don’t want to play with the toy anymore. And with a cat, you buy the cat expensive toys, and they just want to play in the box that they came in. Nobody ever claimed it was logical how human beings become attracted to other people. Men and women get bored; they thrive from participating in the chase. It’s what initially drew them to their partner and they have no intentions of completely removing that from their lives. Some couples are able to adapt role-play-type activities to rekindle some of that initial attraction, while others are so desperate for that early spark that they chase someone, even one whom they know will not give them long-term happiness or stability because the bad boy is still more exciting than the boy next door.

3 Women Are Less Likely to Cheat if They Consider Themselves in “Happy” Relationships
Contrary to what the advertisements tell you, happiness is not playing Bingo. Rather, it seems, happiness comes from being in a long-term, highly communicative, frequently intimate and monogamous relationship, or does it? When a man wants to have an affair, or cheat on his partner, his level of happiness in the relationship doesn’t seem to matter, as the affairs are usually primarily sexual in nature. On the other hand, women seem to be inherently less likely to cheat on their partners if they consider themselves to be happy in their primary relationship. Helen Fisher, anthropologist, did some relationship research and came to the following conclusion about faithfulness and happiness: “34% of cheating women were happy in the [primary] relationship; 56% of cheating men were happy in the [primary] relationships.” What that says is that as long as you’re in a happy relationship, you’re probably not going to cheat on your partner, but the same can sadly not be said about your male companion.

2 Women Are Cheating in Record Numbers
Think back to when your grandparents were your age. They met each other, probably in school, at church, at a community event, or through a friend. They married young, after a fairly short courtship, popped out one of your parents, and lived happily (not always happily, but they stayed together and worked it out) ever after, rarely cheating, or divorcing. Fast forward to 2016 and see what it says on The Wire: “Women are 40% more likely to cheat than they were 20 years ago.” This could be a result of the online dating trend, the fact that couples have even less time to spend with each other, or the fact that media has desensitized you to assuming your partner is going to cheat on you anyway, no matter what you do, so you naturally want to beat him to the punch. The numbers aren’t in on the number of men that cheat then versus now yet. One sad truth is clear. The time’s they are a changin’.

1 Success Breeds Female Cheaters
Money is a tricky thing. Everybody wants it; they want to live comfortably, but they want to be the only one making it. Men are likely to cheat on their partner if she makes more money than him because he feels emasculated. What about the other side of that argument? Women don’t cheat on their partners when they make more money. Probably due to the historical facts that society has become numb to the fact that men will always make more in the workforce when compared to a female with identical credentials and experience. But with success comes another mindset. Research in Business Insider has also proven that women who were more successful in the workforce, and more successful financially, were more likely to cheat. “Women who earn $75K per year or more are 1.5 times more likely to cheat than those who earn less than 30K.” This seems to work well, however, since the partners of these bread-winning females are likely already cheating if their women are earning more than them, according to research.
Men and women are equally cheaters, Most of them are men and fewer on women but in time is changing maybe because of immorality uprising. On this modern day are common and vulgar on our society, i doubt in the future, the morality will no longer exist.
pag lalaki nambabae --- parang chickboy pa dating

pag babae nanlalake --- sobrang landi

bakit ganun??? lol
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