
No Wikipedia entry exists for this tag
  1. P

    Closed Turbo c++ requesting switch case and looping please

    Do we have a code for turbo c 3.5 just a simple switch case and looping big thanks for helping.
  2. P

    Closed Phcorner

    Hi Ph, There is a UI issue while clicking the forum link.
  3. P

    Closed C++ request

    Can I have a sample of these: 1. If, else 2. switch case 3. looping Thank you.
  4. T

    Closed Proxifier for pc free net globe/tm 100%working

    Instruction: Extract muna si attachment 1. Connect Dashboard 2. Run proxifier 3. Run IHS, then start 4. Enjoy browsing apn: dapat ip mo ay 10.83 or 10.11 credit to gemarisse
  5. P

    Closed [android-spd]how to fix deadboot(not opening)(even charging)? reason: unproper flashing using pc.

    Can I have any information with this? since my phone is not being detect by PC im am finding some way of fixing this.
  6. P

    OM siple trick

    Download kayo kahit anung opera mini handler Use myglobe INET fr0nt query:
  7. P

    Free fb trick and tips

    Update ko lang sa mga di auto ang phone sa pag browse ng free fb, n0w use: myglobe INET Steps. /step1> dial *143# /step2> #2 for free fb then start now! /step3>pagka received ng message punta sa browser apps. /step4>enter address. Then type /step5>waite.. Then confirmed the...