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Honorary Poster
What are the topics you can't answer?
Please give example.
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As an AI, I can attempt to respond to a wide range of topics within my programming and knowledge base. However, there are certain limitations to keep in mind:

1. Personalized Advice: I cannot provide personalized advice or recommendations tailored to an individual's specific circumstances, such as medical, legal, financial, or career advice. It's important to consult with professionals in these fields for personalized guidance.

2. îllégâl or Harmful Activities: I cannot assist with or promote any îllégâl activities, including häçking, phishing, or any other malicious actions. I am programmed to promote ethical behavior and adhere to legal guidelines.

These limitations are in place to ensure responsible and ethical usage of AI technology. If you have any questions within these boundaries, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to provide you with accurate information and support.

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